Crisanne Galaské

Growing consciousness for a happier life

Family Constellation by video conference with Dolls or Crystals

10 min read

By Crisanne Galaské


Is Family Constellation for you?

“I would like to constellate a trauma and anxiety, depression first, but then I want to constellate other areas of my life, such as relationship, financial issues, work, adoption, abortion, and addiction.

Those are necessities of a client for book a first online Family Constellation. A few months after constellating, it is very possible that wouldn’t need to constellate the other areas of life, as everything resolved naturally.

But how was this possible?

Would this be possible for you?

What can Family Constellation do for you?


Different problems and a common cause:




_ Explanatory article about Family Constellation online by videoconference or in person service with Dolls, individual or in group.
_ If you do not want to read the article, see how this work by videos on Crisanne Galaské YouTube channel.
_ If you want information or get a free appointment, access our support.



What is the Family Constellation?

Family Constellation is an educational resource that brings quick results helping to resolve various conflicts and problems and therefore is constantly growing and improving, being increasingly used. It was initially developed to resolve relationship conflicts in its more than forty years of existence, presenting excellent results in numerous other areas such as: health, legal, pedagogical, financial, studies, professional, addiction, etc.

This is explained because the causes of these problems, in most cases, are linked to hidden relationship conflicts within the family itself, which we call ‘systemic entanglements’ and which are repeated in other areas of life and that is why there is so much success when used as well. in the business environment, what is called “Organizational Systemic Constellation” for the success of the company, be it small, medium or large.

Unlike conventional solutions, Family Constellation, because it is a quantum resource, acts directly at the root of the problem, without looking for external circumstances or merely rational arguments to explain them. After all, if explanations could solve these problems, that alone would be enough for the dissolution of humanity’s ills and pains. The fact is, logical arguments alone do not change feelings or heal the soul.

My work with Family Constellation is the transformation of feelings with positive repercussions in all spheres of your life in an intimate transformation, from the inside out, which happens gradually in everyday life over a few months.

Allow yourself to discover, in practice, that Family Constellation really works. It is real because it allows a deep transformation in the way of feeling, and consequently, promotes a change in the perception of problems to make more assertive choices in life that will be fundamental for you to unlock everything that prevents you from finding a happier life than you have. dreams in every aspect of your life.

Constellation service with Dolls
Let`s clarify about the service with Dolls used in Family Constellation sessions in the individual modality.
Family Constellation in its origins was born from the experience in a group and not only between a constellator (facilitator) and the client in individual care.
For decades, groups and workshops with forty to sixty people sitting in a large circle were the format most used by facilitators.
Even today there are many of these groups and this is the why the method works. After all, everything that is largely time-tested deserves our respect and attention, right?
Personally, I work with dolls and in the individual mode in person in Melbourne – Florida and by videoconference in English or Portuguese. However, I encourage my clients to do eventually the experience of a Systemic Constellation in a group by videoconference because there are some benefits there too.


Constellation in Group
Even if the client prefers individual assistance because he/she doesn`t want to expose himself/herself to a group of people, he/she can go to one of these meetings in group just to be a representative. You can go to a Family Constellation in a group for taking care of your theme, it means, to constellate. Or you can go participate as a representative, ie, you will be invited to enter the field to represent a father, or a mother, an uncle, a sister, etc, of somebody that asked to be constellated.Group Constellation on Zoom

The great benefit of Constellation in group is that you will have the opportunity to participate for hours in various constellations with me and my group. Looking at the other’s story, you can come to have many insights into your own life. In addition to being a very rich opportunity, you will have the chance to experience in your own body the field. Field is when the representative capture through sensations in the body, mind, emotion of family`s member history of the constellated, ie, the person who brings the subject.

This may seem strange to you, if you are now entering the world of family constellations, but that is the reason for you to spend some time reading or watching some videos. I’m sure that with a few more clicks you will already be gaining confidence of what Family Constellation really is.



Family Constellation:
– It is a brief and phenomenological resource;
– You just need to take a single theme to constellate;
– There is almost no dialogue between the constellator and the client;
– The constellation is silent and works less with the spoken verb and more with perception;
–  It isn`t recommended to do several constellations in a short period of time because many transformations occur in just 3 sessions;
– It isn`t the number of Constellations that will solve issues.


Search before
I know that in the eagerness to want to heal quickly and be free from suffering, we put our feet in our hands and make decisions that can further aggravate our despair and existential discomfort. That’s why I strongly suggest that there is some research on the part of the client as to what he is looking for when she/he outlines the desire “I want to make a constellation”. Take your time before purchasing your Constellation and research. It’s your soul, your health, your family, your life. After all, we don’t lie on an operating table with any professional and not know why we’re there, right? Know the method and avoid frustrations.


The Dolls
Having said that and returning to the subject of care with dolls, you may be asking yourself several things.
– How is Family Constellation done without human representatives?
– How does the facilitator feel the field being online and physically distant?
– Are the effects of Family Constellation with dolls the same as the effects of Family Constellation with human representatives?

If you have any of these objections, I fully understand them. I have to tell you that I get a lot of these questions on my social media on a daily basis. So, I will sketch some reasoning here that may, perhaps, help in this clarification.

The person who first realized that it was possible to make a Constellation using dolls was Jakob Schneider, one of Hellinger`s students, also his personal friend. He worked on the group model, but in some places, he went there was no such support and so he started walking around with a bag full of his son’s playmobile up and down. Wherever he went, he took such dolls. It didn’t take long to realize that there was a way of attending without the mandatory need for representatives.

You must be thinking “but dolls don’t replace people, that’s pretty pointless”. And you are absolutely right. In Family Constellation with dolls, the constellator is at the same time representative + facilitator. The dolls work only as anchors.


No representatives
Yes, this is possible. In the Family Constellation with dolls, the facilitator herself/himself is the human representative. It is not the Dolls that capture something, but the constellator’s own body. The dolls will serve to graphically configure for the client what is happening in the field, what the facilitator is capturing from the field with his body. This logic is pretty simple, right?


If you were able to understand the previous topic, then you already understood that the human-factor that was present in the group modality is still present in the puppet modality. It is not, then, the dolls that act as human representatives, but the facilitator himself.

For online to happen smoothly, then, it’s a leap, right? The human factor is still present. The cameras are on, we are looking at each other, we laugh, we feel, there is involvement, just as you get emotional watching a movie that touches you, it is possible to connect, be touched, moved, sensitized, through online service with dolls.







But does it work?
Another concern that the Dolls method arouses in people is about the effects. Does online with dolls work as well as face-to-face with dolls? Do I do it in a group or with dolls?

In fact, none of these modalities work if you don’t change your actions, postures, thoughts, feelings, after the Family Constellation session. The power of all this is in you and not in the Dolls, in the constellator, in the representatives, in the field. This is very important to be truly considered.

When someone asks “which method will have the most effect on my life, in a group, individual, with dolls?”, in fact there is still an exacerbated confidence that “the field will move for us”. And more. That, perhaps, “the representatives moving there, something will be transformed in my life”.


You can go to the best constellator in the world, with the most centered representatives in the universe, but if you don’t involve yourself in its transformation, nothing will happen afterwards.


If you prefer groups, physical touch, coexistence, face-to-face, then look for a group of Family Constellation in the physical office, as it is probably there that you will feel more comfortable and comfortable during the process.

But, if you get along well with the virtual world, you prefer not to expose yourself in a larger group of people, you live far from the big centers and feel cozy in this type of environment. So, it’s all right to opt for videoconference Family Constellation with Dolls in privacy with the constellator (individually) or in group, both remotely.

It’s worth talking about this again that the power of transformation is always in us and not in the method, the dolls or the constellator that assists you.

In my videos, I clarify more about what is necessary for us to extract the best that Family Constellation can offer us. I believe that Hellinger’s thinking is really misunderstood and very confused but with information and becoming confident, you are about to empower yourself through Family Constellation.


You may be reading this text and wondering about other ways to meet in the physical office. There are constellators who do not use the Dolls, but what we call ground anchors. There are also those who use Crystals instead of Dolls. There are even those who make a constellation with Dolls placed floating in a basin full of water.

And what can we think about these other features? If you are new to Family Constellation, then it is worth saying that because it is a rapidly growing approach, there are many procedures and that may sound strange. Everything develop fast!

And if we exchange crystals for dolls, does it improve the energy capture of the field? This is a question I’ve been asked a few times. Again, I want to call attention to the magical thinking that surrounds such an idea.
Remember that in one of the previous topics I said that the Dolls doesn’t matter, but the human-factor? It has to have body, flesh, viscera, people. Likewise, it doesn’t matter if the object used is crystal, stones, papers, peg dolls, enamel glass, whatever. If there’s something crystal that we’re going to need at the time of service, it’s the crystal-clear disposition of the client and the constellator to be together at that moment. Just that.

Again, I want to remind you that it is not the method, nor the objects, nor the facilitator that will make something work in your life, but you yourself.


Ground anchor

Sheets of bond paper, EVA rubber mats, shoes, pillows, all of these can be used to mark spaces on the floor and perceive the countryside. This is a method used a lot by many therapists and has good results because we look at the anchors in relation to each other. Stepping on such a leaf, I feel it. Stepping on that other one, I feel roasted. Stepping on that other still, I feel like this. Ready. We can capture sensations from these marked places and thus extract valuable information for the client.


Now it’s up to you. After all, the outcome and its many consequences are always up to each of us.

I suggest you access my content on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube. In these three places you will be able to taste much of this work for free:


Social Medias:

_  My videos on YouTube (click here)

_  My videos on TikTok (click here)

–  Instagram (click here)





Get your appointment now:


Individual session for Family Constellation by videoconference

Duration: 60-90minutes in English or Portuguese language with Crisanne Galaské

Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm.

Emergency service at night from 8pm to 10pm on Monday to Saturday or Sunday at anytime.

Get your schedule by email: 

In the e-mail, inform your name, last name, city, state, country, phone number, time and day preferable for get your appointment, and for what are you looking for help with.







Crisanne Galaské | Holistic psychotherapist | Family Constellation | Past Life Regression | Author | Online Services | Courses


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